insert: santrra

we’re not yet done with jean genet, but somehow i am in the mood for some more music. i used to have a live tape, back in the last century, that i listened to quite often without knowing more about the artist then her name, santrra, that she sings and plays the accordeon and that she had these freaky dreadlocks.

now i stumbled across her record santrra / oxyd from 1986 – and it is a nice record! think of a younger nico – just more up and without the heroin…


M especially flashed on the japanese inspired recordsleeve – and there is an interesting little note on the back related to that:

“…et merci beacoup a hozan mokuseki, qui a fait tous les photos, ete ’86, a la genndroniere, le premier temple zen d’europe fonde par maitre taisen deshimaru…”

doing some research on the net tells me that santrra is still around, lives in berlin and obviuosly changed from zen to tibetan buddhism – there is even a movie about her lovestory with a tibetan (ex-)lama.

so here is her record santrra / oxyd, ripped from (red!) vinyl (recorded as two files: sida a, side b – tracklist included). in the zip-file i also included the 12″ santrra oxyd – könig und königin i found on this blog, and a cd-r called jenseits von tibet that has been burned for the release of the above mentioned movie and has been uploaded here. big thanks to the two original uploaders! please visit their blogs!

and do visit santrra’s website:

and well, book her! i would be highly interested to see her live – they just might skip the butter-tea (i tried that already, thank you very much).

and to finish off something for M – the lyrics to


allees hat einen sihinn

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alleehes hat eine n sihinn

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as you can see in the comments i have received some new information regarding santrra – here the short version in english:

official discographie:

Santrra und sonst Niemand (LP)
Oxyd (LP)
König und Königin (Maxisingle)
Jenseits von Tibet (CD)

you can order directly at santrra – – the following cd-r’s:

oxyd – 10 euro

könig und königin – 5 euro

jenseits von tibet – 10 euro

unpublished live-recording 1993 – 10 euro

“live in der küche”, a radio special about and with santrra (2cd’s) – 10 euro

the records and the live recording have been treated in the studio for the elimination of the vinyl-cracks and better sound-quality.

…and the record “oxyd” will be remastered this month.

that is a lot of music for little money and in (much) better quality then presented here – and you can be sure that all the proceeds go directly to the artist!

sooo – buy some (or all)!


(original post here)

“a while ago i found something i knew was around, but did not know where: a box with some old tapes of mine. aaah – a real treasure chest!

there has been quite a lot of stuff i did not even remember i had – yep, it was like some kind of late christmas (and showing me what a good taste in music i had already as a young one). so in the future you will see some of that stuff pop up here – be afraid!

the first is a live-recording by one of the first artists i posted on this blog: santrra.

the concert is a real early one: from 29.03.1987 at the rote fabrik in zürich, switzerland. it is very charming – and yes, she still reminds me of nico – it is the stubborness of standing alone on stage, in this case with just an accordeon – she comes across as very vulnerable and at the same time as very strong. nice.

so definitly something not to miss! ripped from tape@128, since the recording is in mono (remember mono, huh?). at the beginning and at the end there is some talking (it obviously has been taped from radio). in the first one and a half minutes you also hear the tape squeal – but then the quality is good. unfortunatly they did not transmit the full concert – so it is only about 20 minutes long. yeah, it leaves you wanting for more…

get it here. if you want more santrra: go here (but then you are already here, aren’t you?) – i thought it a good occassion to reup the different recordings i posted at the time. there you get also more information on the artist.

and she has now also a myspace profile. yeah, not only huun-huun-tur and die ärzte are their myspace friends, but also marc almond… so you might want to drop her a line and say thank you for the great music…

and now: enjoy!”

3 Responses to “insert: santrra”

  1. martinf Says:

    Hi, these informations might be of some interest for the visitors of your blog. they are extracted from an e-mail I received from Santrra Oxyd a few weeks ago, but only in German language:

    Es gab folgende Veröffentlichungen von mir:
    Santrra und sonst Niemand (LP)
    Oxyd (LP)
    König und Königin (Maxisingle)
    Jenseits von Tibet (CD)
    “Live in der Küche” ist ein Zwei-stündiges Santrra-Special, was am 22.10.06 von Radio-Z in Fürth gesendet wurde. Es ist eine Mischung aus Interview, was ich wenige Wochen zuvor in meiner Küche gegeben hatte, in dem ich live neue und alte Songs spielte und aus meinem, noch unveröffentlichtem, Buch vorlas und Musik von meiner ersten LP “Santrra und sonst niemand” und der CD “Jenseits von Tibet”.
    Die CD “Songs aus “Jenseits von Tibet” hatte ich damals, als der gleichnamige Film herauskam, im Studio aufgenommen und selbst herausgebracht, bzw., auch selbst gebrannt, das Cover auf der CD war von mir handbemalt und das Ganze war limitiert auf 600 Stück und wurde ausschließlich nur über Internet und auf Konzerten verkauft.
    Es war sozusagen von Anfang an als Rarität angelegt, und es ist fast unmöglich noch an ein solches Original heranzukommen.
    Andererseits ist es wohl auch nur für echte Santrra-Fans wichtig ein solches Original zu besitzen, ich verkaufe die selbstgebrannten CDs jetzt eben ohne handbemalte Label, und zwar für 10 Euro das Stück.
    Ferner gibt es auch selbstgebrannte CDs von den Schallplatten “Oxyd” (10 Euro) und “König und Königin” (5 Euro) und ein bisher nicht veröffentlichter Mitschnitt eines Livekonzertes mit wunderschönen Liedern drauf von 1993. (10 Euro) Die Schallplatten sind in einem Studio nachbearbeitet worden, damit das Vinylrauschen nicht mehr so zu hören ist. (Im August wird “Oxyd” neu gemastert werden)
    Auch der Livemitschnitt ist im Studio nachbearbeitet worden, noch nicht endgültig, er ist jetzt bei 80%, für 100 % sind mehrere Tage Studio notwendig, darauf spare ich gerade noch. “Live in der Küche” das 2-stündige Radio Special ist auch für 10 Euro zu haben. (2 CDs)
    Falls Sie irgendetwas davon erwerben möchten, schreiben Sie mir doch einfach was genau, und ich werde Ihnen meine Kontonummer schicken.
    Mit vielen herzlichen Grüßen wünscht Ihnen alles Gute

  2. justme Says:


    I hate that “mastered for better sound quality”.
    Usually this means “mastered for contemporary radio standards”.

    i. e. 8 dB(A) louder, and everything sounds like a musical floorboard, as all dynamics have been destroyed.

    Better leave everything original and do not mess around with digital studio equipment from hell!

    then i would rather want to pay for an original than buy these “beautified” new versions. no thanks!

    my 2c.

  3. sunbathinglizard Says:

    hm – did not hear the mastered version – so i dunno…
    but thanks for the 2c 😉

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